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still updating stuff ripperoni
i still have so much shit to update kill me


As much as you probably don't want to admit it, everything needs at least a rule or two, am I right? Here, you'll find the rules for the forum. Make sure to follow them, otherwise you may just end up with a kick or ban. Alongside the rules, you'll also find important information relative to the site, such as the plotline, Experimental types, and so on.
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Needing to keep up to date with the forum? Feel free to visit here, then. Important, forum-wide announcements will be created and stored here as time goes on.
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Events,   Updates,  

Creation and Development

Hey, what are you waiting for? It's just about time to create your own character, right? Well, let's hop to it, already! Follow the character template provided and post your character up for approval!
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Accepted character applications will be sorted here.
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Need to post a plotter up? Tracker? What about a wanted ad, or maybe even a communications thread? This is your go to place, then!
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Inactive or finished threads will go here. Inactive characters will be transferred here, as well, after each activity check.
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IC,   OOC,   Characters,  

The Battlegrounds

Are you confident in your fighting abilities? Feel like your skills could win you some extra Vhan on the side? Hell, do you consider yourself somewhat of a gambler? Check this board out, then! (OOC board of The Battlegrounds.)
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Sparring threads made in the 'Place Your Bets' board will take place here! Note that Roleplays here won't contribute to your overall posting count, but posts still earn you the normal amount of Vhan. (IC board of The Battlegrounds.)
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New Serenity

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The higher class district of New Serenity. The wealthier live within this district, and many formal events of celebration and success are held between the companies that keep New Serenity afloat, and money can be burned just about anywhere. Casinos, shops... You name it.
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Home of New Serenity's low class, the Southern District of the city is where you'll find the impoverished and desolate. A memorial for those who fell during the War is here as well, attracting people from the other districts as they pay their respects.
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The commercial highlight of New Serenity, the Eastern District is where those going for a night or day out on the town come to play. With Serenity Mall front and center, and various restaurants, a train station, and plenty of nightlife, saying that this place is usually busy would be a general understatement.
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A more calm area of the city, the Western District gives off a decided suburban feel compared to the rest of the city. Calm and serene, it definitely fits the city's name.
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All of the fallen buildings and skyscrapers of a past civilization. Sits close to the skeleton of what was once New York. Northern Sector of Solace.
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The part of the city closest to the Liberty Bell, and the Southern Sector of Solace.
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The coastline of New York and the Eastern Sector of Solace.
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Western Sector of Solace, and the connection between Solace and New Serenity.
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The Outskirts

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Everything above the former northern states of the United States, leading into what used to be Canada. Travel north far enough, and you'll find Phenomenon-run terminals running from North America to other Phenomenon bases along the coastlands.
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The areas towards the former border of America and Mexico, leading into Central and South America. Barricaded by a Phenomenon facility along the Central American strait that connects North America to South America. Houses one of the primary Phenomenon bases.
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The Eastern Claim consists of all of the remaining states that the USA was composed of, spreading across the barren nation up until the east coast. Like the Western Claim, the Eastern Claim is somewhat on the side of destruction and ruin, though is still inhabitable to an extent. However, no one really bothers to venture out to this area, as it's where most of the Phenomenon's experimental facilities are located in the continent.
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This whole area contains the entirety of Western USA, which begins from the line of States containing Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico and goes all the way to the West Coast. For the most part, all of the land within this region is practically a wasteland, with little remains of whatever climates and scenery were here prior to the attack. Major figures like mountain ranges still remain, and things such as forests are still seen, though are much lower in numbers than they had been. Remains of old buildings and cities can be seen across this portion of land; a sign of the mass destruction that had occurred within a short time.
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Have an idea for a plotline? Don't want it to be...well, canon? Well, this is your go-to board, then! Events and occurrences pertaining to threads in this specific forum shouldn't be referenced in the canon threads on the site, as they haven't actually technically happened.
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Have an idea for a thread that takes place before the current time in character? Feel free to place it here! Occurrences here are considered canon in this forum, and can be referenced out of the thread created here.
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testing created by Zealous
Got a game you wanna toss out to the public? Feel free to make a thread for it here, then! Doesn't matter if it's in character or out- but just make sure it's PG-13, folks~!
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testing created by Zealous
Got any codes you gotta keep track of? Maybe you're an artist of some sort? Whatever it may be, you can feel free to make a thread exhibiting your artistic prowess, as a means of storing your codes and templates, or anything else of the sort!
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03. IC Shop created by Zealous
Feel like exchanging your hard-earned Vhan for various, available items? Drop by this board to see what you can buy for yourselves, or your characters!
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Sekkai Fractures created by Ruriko
Self explanatory, yeah~? If you're linking back, or wanna slap a link down to affiliate, this is your go to place.
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